On the craft and business of personal history and life story writing
Want to make a career writing memoirs for others?
You've come to the right place. The Life Story Coach brings you information, advice and tips on starting and running your own life story writing and personal history business.
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So what is personal history, anyway?
Easy. It's the business of helping others record their life stories, values, and reflections for a private audience of family and friends.
Books, audio recordings, or videos: those are the products—or, more likely, one or two of those—you'll create for your clients.
The first step is gathering the stories. The storyteller talks, you listen (and record).
Some life stories cover a particular period in a person's life, such as their childhood or war years; others start with remembered stories of grandparents and span the storyteller's life up to the present.
At the end of the process, you deliver a chronicle of their life in the form of a book, an audio recording or a video.
Why do people hire a personal historian?
Simple. They see the value of preserving their life story for future generations, but they don't have the time, the interest, or the know-how to do it themselves. Nearly everyone has the desire to reflect back on their life and make sense of it, but few have the skills to pull it off on their own.
People I've helped
"I'm weary of doing things with people the purpose of which is to fix them in some way....This work is about a celebration of who you are and not a prescription for change. And that is very appealing."
—David King, former business consultant and clinical psychologist, on why he is starting a new career as a personal historian
Is a career in personal history right for you?
Do you:
Have a natural curiosity about others?
Enjoy learning about experiences outside your own?
Like listening as much (or more)as you do talking?
Have the ability to see life through the lens of another?
Do you want to make your living as a writer?

"Heck yes!"
Well then, personal history might be right for you.

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